Thanksgiving cactus, also known as Schlumbergera truncata, is a popular houseplant that blooms in late fall and early winter. Unlike its name suggests, it is not a true cactus, but a succulent that needs more water and humidity than desert plants.
If you want to enjoy this plant’s beautiful flowers, you need to provide it with the right care and conditions. So, today, we will discuss Thanksgiving cactus care tips and how to propagate it from stem cuttings.
Let’s get started!
Thanksgiving Cactus Care Tips
The Thanksgiving cactus is a popular houseplant that produces colorful and exotic-looking flowers around the holiday season. It is also known as the crab cactus, the claw cactus, or the holiday cactus. Plus, it belongs to the Schlumbergera, which is native to the tropical forests of Brazil. Unlike other cacti, the Thanksgiving cactus does not have spines, but rather flattened stems with pointed segments.

Furthermore, the Thanksgiving cactus is not very difficult to grow, but it does require some specific care to thrive and bloom. For your reference, we have jotted down the essential Thanksgiving cactus care tips or how to care for a Thanksgiving cactus.
Let’s dive in to get a better understanding, which will help you to bloom your Thanksgiving cactus.
1. Light Factor
Light is one of the most important factors for the Thanksgiving cactus care. The amount and type of light that the plant receives can indeed affect its growth, health, and flowering. Here are some tips on how to provide the best light conditions for your Thanksgiving cactus:
- During the spring and summer, the Thanksgiving cactus does best in medium indirect light. In other words, it should not receive direct sunlight, as it can scorch its leaves.
- In the fall, when the plant is preparing to bloom, it needs more light to trigger the formation of flower buds. We recommend you move the plant to a brighter location, but avoid direct sun.
- After the plant has bloomed, you can move it back to its original spot with medium indirect light. But remember, do not move or rotate the plant too much, as this can cause the flower buds to drop off.
By following these light tips, you can enjoy the beautiful blooms of your Thanksgiving cactus every year.
2. Soil
The Thanksgiving cactus should be repotted every two to three years, or when the roots start to grow out of the drainage holes. So, it is better to choose a pot that is slightly larger than the previous one, and has good drainage.

It is recommended to fill the bottom of the pot with some fresh soil mix, and gently remove the plant from the old pot. Followed by shaking off the excess soil from the roots, and placing the plant in the center of the new pot. Water the plant well, and place it in a bright spot.
By using the right soil for your Thanksgiving cactus, you can help it grow healthy beautiful flowers for the holiday season.
3. Proper Watering Routine
Unlike desert cacti, the Thanksgiving cactus is a tropical plant that requires moist soil to thrive. However, it is also sensitive to overwatering, which can cause root rot and other problems. Therefore, you need to find the right balance between too much and too little water for your plant. Here are some tips to help you with that:
- When you water your Thanksgiving cactus, make sure to water it deeply, until water runs out of the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot.
- It is better to use distilled or rainwater, which is purer and more natural for the plant.
- The Thanksgiving cactus needs more water during the spring and summer, when it is actively growing, as compared to fall and winter when it is preparing to bloom or resting.
4. Regular Pruning Factor
Regular pruning can also shape the plant, reduce its size, and prevent it from becoming too heavy or leggy. To prune your Thanksgiving cactus, you can simply twist the stem at the narrow joint between leaf segments. If the stem is thicker, you can use a knife or pruners.
Note:- You can also grow new plants from cuttings you take when you prune. To do this, all you need is to let the cuttings dry for a few days and then plant them in a moist peat and sand soil mix.
5. Fertilize Thanksgiving Cactus
Correctly, fertilizing your Thanksgiving cactus is one of the best ways to ensure that it grows healthy and produces beautiful flowers. However, you need to be careful about the type, amount, and timing of the fertilizer you use, this is because too much or too little can harm your plant.

The best time to fertilize your Thanksgiving cactus is during the spring and summer, when the plant is actively growing. It is advisable to mix the fertilizer i.e., (one teaspoon per gallon of water) and then water your plant thoroughly every two to four weeks.
6. Temperature and Humidity
Temperature and humidity are important factors for the Thanksgiving cactus care, as they affect the plant’s growth and flowering. Ideally, the humidity around the plant should be above 50 percent, and the temperature should be between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
However, when the plant is ready to bloom in the fall, it needs a period of short days and cool nights to set buds. So, we recommend you keep the plant to no more than 10 hours of daylight and keep it in a dark place at night for about six weeks before you want it to flower.
By adjusting the temperature and humidity according to the plant’s needs, you can ensure that your Thanksgiving cactus will produce beautiful flowers for the holiday season.
Read More: Can Christmas cactus live outside?
Can You Keep a Thanksgiving Cactus Outdoors?
The short answer is no, Thanksgiving cactus cannot be kept outdoors during cold or frost season. It is a tropical plant and needs warm and humid conditions to grow. As it cannot survive cold or frost, it should be kept indoors in most climates. However, you can move your Thanksgiving cactus outside during the summer months, as long as you provide it with some shade and protection from direct sunlight.

You should also bring your Thanksgiving cactus back indoors before the temperatures drop below 50°F, as this can damage the plant and prevent it from blooming.
What Are the Common Problems With Thanksgiving Cacti?
As we know, Thanksgiving cacti are beautiful plants, which can brighten up your home with their vibrant flowers. However, it’s also true, that they can also face some common problems that can affect their growth and blooming. Here, is the list of the common issues.
1. No Blooms
Certainly! Thanksgiving cacti may fail to bloom for several reasons. Such as inadequate dark periods, watering issues, and nutrient deficiencies. You can address these issues by providing proper light, consistent watering, and regular fertilization to encourage blooming.đŸŒ¸
Always, ensure that Thanksgiving Cactus have 12 hours of darkness at night.
2. Flower Buds Falling Off
Flower buds falling off is one of the common problems with Thanksgiving cactus. This can happen due to various reasons, such as inconsistent watering, low humidity, poor lighting, and pest infestations. If you want to prevent or reduce this issue, you can water your plant only when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry.

By doing so, you can help your Thanksgiving cactus produce healthy and beautiful flowers.
3. Thanksgiving Cactus Leaves Turn Yellow
Thanksgiving cactus leaves indeed turn yellow due to overwatering issues, getting too much sunlight, and nutrient deficiency. It is recommended if you notice any of these signs on your plant, you should take quick action to prevent further damage.
For instance, you can trim off the yellow or damaged leaves, adjust the watering and lighting conditions, and also can apply a suitable fertilizer to restore your plant’s life.
How Long Do Thanksgiving Cacti Live?
Thanksgiving cacti can survive for decades or even centuries with proper care. For instance, Thanksgiving cactus can live up to 100 years.
How Often Does a Thanksgiving Cactus Bloom?
A Thanksgiving cactus blooms once a year in the late fall if the appropriate conditions are met. The blooming time is usually around the holiday of Thanksgiving. However, some Thanksgiving cacti may also produce a smaller flush of flowers in the spring.
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We hope the Thanksgiving cactus care quick guide has helped you a lot. And learn more about this amazing plant and how to keep it happy and healthy. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us below. We would love to hear from you.
Happy gardening!

Hello, I’m Rose Lehman, the content writer of cozynest. I have been a gardener for over 5 years, and I have a certificate in master gardening from the Oregon State University Extension Service. I enjoy writing about all aspects of gardening, from the basics to the advanced, and from the practical to the creative. I also love to explore different types of gardens, cultures, and styles, and share them with our readers. My goal is to inspire and inform our audience, and help them grow their own cozynest.